
What is this?

This site is a proof of concept short link service that uses the Ethereum blockchain for its authorization backend.

It's free to create a short link with a random four character path.

Users that hold a special access NFT may create custom short paths.

Custom short paths may be any combination of alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores, with a maximum length of 80.


Rolling your own auth is hard to get right. And integrating with a third-party auth provider creates complexity.

Using Ethereum for authorization strikes a good balance between minimizing complexity and maintaining security.

This website is an example minimum viable product that uses Ethereum for access control.

How does it work?

Many web3 projects use a frontend framework like ethers.js or web3.js to integrate with Ethereum.

To demonstrate the minimum required code, this project's frontend is implemented entirely in vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with no framework. The only integrations are with the standard Ethereum Provider JavaScript API (EIP-1193) used by all common wallets (e.g., MetaMask and Coinbase Wallet) to get user signatures for authorization, and with EIP-6963 ("Multi Injected Provider Discovery") to support multiple wallets installed simultaneously.

The backend is a serverless Cloudflare Worker, also written in vanilla JavaScript. The code to verify signatures on the backend uses Paul Miller's noble-crypto project.

Source code

Click here to view this project's source code on GitHub.

The code for both the frontend and the backend is available in the GitHub repository.


Do not rely on this service for permanent links.

This is a personal project. Short links may be changed or deleted at any time.

Select a wallet:

    No wallet detected. Install a wallet to connect.